Discover the craziest city in Italy
Since Indiegogo doesn't accept PayPal transactions, I decided to create this page.
Every donation that comes from this page will be transferred to the crowdfunding page on Indiegogo.

A big thanks + private diary
This is a pure demonstration of generosity, you won't receive anything but a big thank you via email and free access to my private diary!
9,00 €
15,00 €

I'm really fascinated by postcards and I always wanted to make some with my photos. This is the perfect opportunity! Donating here, you'll receive a postcard made by me with one of the photos you'll see on my channels, with a dedication. You'll also receive free access to my private diary for one month!
A crazy postcard made by me!
14,00 €
19,00 €

3 Prints + crazy postcard + private diary
29,00 €

49,00 €

I will dedicate one day in Naples to you. Means that you will decide where to go, what to see and what to do. I will basically be your eyes. You also receive free access to my private diary, you'll join the supporters on my blog and you'll receive a crazy customized postcard!
99,00 €
49,00 €
I will be your eyes

Take part in this project!
As I already told you on Instagram, Naples's one of the craziest city in the world. I love that city so much that I was planning to move there for a while. Then, the pandemic changed all my plans, I'm broke and next week I will turn 30 for the first time in my life.
So what?
So I really would like to spend some days (maybe weeks, who knows) in Naples to show you how mindblowing that city could be. And I wanna take you with me!
I will share with you all the photos, videos and thoughts on:
Instagram (Posts and stories)
My blog
My private diary
Remember what I did in Istanbul last year? Or what I did during the quarantine? Well... Something like this, but in Naples!
So what do I need?
I basically need a budget to:
Buy the cheapest train ticket to Naples
Rent the shittiest room on Airbnb or so
Eat pizza everyday
To give you an idea of how long I could stay, Naples is quite cheap and with a couple of hundred € I could go for a weekend. Anyway, every € will be spent on this, I won't earn anything! So... I don't know how long could I stay there, it depends on how much money we will raise with this campaign, so... Contribute!
What do you get?
Depending on your donation, you'll receive:
A big thank you
A postcard of one of my photos with a dedication
Free access on my private diary
Join the supporter page of the blog
You really need a "why" to discover Naples?
Other Ways You Can Help